Are you interested in working in the career development field? We have provided some resources that may be beneficial for you. Please see our list of Education, Certifications and Credentials or our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about the profession. It may also be helpful to explore the variety of titles found in this field, as job titles and job possibilities for career development professionals vary. Check your resources using various combinations containing the words counselor, specialist, advisor, coordinator, manager, assistant, director, coach and consultant.  Positions may also exist in human resources, training, and recruiting.

Job Titles for Career Development Professionals

Common titles include:

 Career Advisor

 Career Coach

• Career Counselor

 Career Development Facilitator/Specialist

 Career Management Specialist

 Career Resource Center Coordinator

 Case Manager

 Director or Assistant Director of Career Services

 Employee Engagement/Development Consultant

 Employer Relations

 Employment/Placement Specialist

 Guidance Counselor

 Human Resource Career Development Coord

 Job Coach/Coordinator

 Job Developer


 Job Search Trainer/Advisor

 Job Specialist

 Occupational & Labor Market Information Resource Advisor/Specialist

 Organizational Career Development Specialist

 Outplacement Consultant/Counselor

 Professional Development Consultant

 Relocation Consultant

 Resume Writer

 Retirement Consultant

 School-To-Career Specialist

 Spouse Relocation Consultant

 Talent Development Coach/Consultant

 Transition Consultant

 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

 Workforce Specialist

Colorado Career Development Association

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